Whether you have an entire basement or just a small corner in the kitchen, you can easily show off your wine collection with the right form of storage. Avid collectors may dedicated an entire room solely to show off their collection, while others have specialty storage in their kitchen for their favorites.
When deciding which type and level of storage you will bring into your home, you must take a variety of factors into consideration. First, you need to clear out and find a space to fit your collection. Popular areas include the kitchen, the living room or a wine cellar (for larger collections). Then you have to choose what type of storage you'd like. Popular storage ideas include wine closets/pantries, lattice wine racks, bottle racks, X-racks and more. Lastly, decide which wines are to be consumed soon and which should be stored for long-term aging. Keep popular wines out in the open for guests, and store finer wines for special occasions in another place. Remember that factors such as light, humidity and temperature affect the wine's condition, so keep that in mind when choosing storage spaces.
Here are a few of my favorite wine storage ideas.