How to Secure Your Windows and Doors in the Summer

Home security is especially important in the warmer, summer months. Statistically there is an increase in crime that correlates with rising temperatures. According to, “Burglary is 11% more common in the summer than in the winter — that’s more seasonal variation than for any other single type of crime.” This information isn’t meant to scare, however. Consider it an incentive to protect your home year-round.

If you live in a generally warmer climate like southern California, or just prefer an extra chill, your windows may be open at any point in the year. Same goes to leaving your sliding patio door cracked for a breeze or continued airflow in stifling weather. We all make these choices – so why not make the added choice of including some extra security?

Window and Door Security

Window Locks

The security brand First Watch has a large selection of latches, strike plates, and other home lock and security products. We carry many First Watch home security products, including a window slide stop that can be used on sliding windows and doors. With two steel thumbscrews and an aluminum finish, this small piece of hardware locks your window in a closed or vented position. Leaving windows cracked at night with a Slide Stop prevents an intruder from opening the window further and taking advantage of a weak spot to get into your home.

Door Security

Patio Door Lock

There is also specific security for patio doors. First Watch makes a patio door lock that comes in a few different styles, depending on cost and personal needs. For only a few dollars you can purchase a patio lock that uses a steel bolt and can be foot activated (safely from inside, of course). For closer to $20 you can choose a door lock that comes with a key lock as well as rotating bolt for extra security.

Another security measure is using a strike plate on your actual door locks. Normal deadbolt locks and door mouldings can be kicked in somewhat easily, and installing a strike plate adds more strength and resistance to the lock.

DIY Door and Window Security


While purchasing a specific slide stop or door lock isn’t a huge expense, that doesn’t mean there aren’t DIY options to try instead. In fact, you may prefer it. If you have access to basic woodworking tools you can craft a wood slide that fits into the sliding window or door’s track when it’s partially open or closed.
Consider using a 2×4 piece of plywood, wooden dowels, or even metal pipes to fit into the window or door frame. While this limits to the window opening to one specific width, you could collect a variation of sizes. It’s a cheap and easy way to add some extra security. Dropping a piece of wood into your window frame is quick and simple protection that anyone can implement.